Thursday, September 9, 2010

Tan Mom

Desiree Dutra
  posted 30 Nov. 2009, 2:40 pm (5 moms have responded) 
I am a tanning bed junkie. I know it's horrible! I was wondering if anyone brings their kids/baby into the room when they tan? I was thinking of bringing my baby into the tanning bed room and facing him towards the wall and of course completley covered up by a blanket so no light gets in. I was wondering what other mom's think of this? 

Ok, let me get this want to bring your teeny itty bitty baby that is helpless and literally cannot roll over or clean its own shit into a dark room filled with penetrating ultraviolet rays, plop it down in a corner, hope it doesnt fall over like a humpty dumpty doll. Then just for safe measure - you want to throw a fucking blanket over the entire baby (because you really love it) in your swelteringly hot cancer motel while you take a 20 minute death nap and hope it doesnt suffocate???

Worst mom ever.  Everyone knows you need should only spray tan your baby.

Tan Mom's New Music Video. Yep, that's a thing that exists.

1 comment:

  1. Good call with the spray tan. Although maybe a 6 or 7 minute baby tan wouldn't be too bad. You just wouldn't want to put the baby in the tanning bed, turn it up to extra crispy and leave the baby in tanning there for 20 minutes.
